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Principal's Welcome

The Principal, Staff, children and Governing Council extend a warm welcome to you and your children. We hope that the time associated with the school will be happy and educationally rewarding for your family.

“Challa” is an Aboriginal word meaning rich soil. We aim to create rich learning experiences through which your children can grow in many ways.

In our school we aim to create an environment of caring concern for the welfare of each and every child. This is achieved through mutual respect and communication between staff, children and parents. We value the thoughts and ideas of parents and look forward to getting to know you as you become a valued member of our school community.

Teachers work collaboratively to design rich learning aligned to the Australian Curriculum and highlighting the development of literacy and numeracy skills. Increased communication skills are emphasised, together with growth mindset, resilience and confidence for all students in order for them to achieve their personal best.

There is a strong emphasis on building teacher capacity through quality professional learning and a commitment to Professional Learning Communities, mentoring and coaching.

The school is fortunate to have a dedicated team of School Support Officers who positively contribute to every aspect of the school community.

Pina Fitzharris
